[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.camerondixon.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/i-felt-bad-for-this-cool-pedal-bike.-i-walk-by-it-every-other-day-and-it-seems-to-never-move-and-it-.jpg” size=”large”]
felt bad for this cool pedal bike. I walk by it every other day and it seems to never move and it has a flat rear tire.
Image via: http://instagram.com/cameron_dixons_art
This picture made me feel great, thanks for sharing
That is a cool looking bike
@nicoryper as long as it made you feel great, my job is complete.
I want to ride it!!! Maybe I should put a note on it??
Same as mine.
@theartofts It is!! Although I have only usually seen yours from the handlebars up.
@theartofts I guess that is yours in a few of your latest pics too huh?
Nice profile!! 😉
Great idea Cam! You can give this bike a great home!
nom nom