16″w x 20″h
Acrylic on Canvas with floating frame
I still remember the first day that Shanna and her person came into the store. Shanna was just recently adopted from out of town where she lived her puppy life in a farm atmosphere. Her life that day changed immensely, Shanna is part of a family that loves her to death and giver her most everything she deserves. She deserved a painting by me :).
This was my first photo session + painting in one. I got to bring Shanna down to a local park and take some photos of her in hopes that we get a good one that we can work from for a 16in x 20in painting. Here are the results.
2013-05 - Commissioned Painting - Pet Portrait Painting - Shanna Original
2013-05 - Commissioned Painting - Pet Portrait Painting - Shanna Complete
Please watch this video on Youtube here: